Keep Dreaming…


I caught myself giggling randomly in church last weekend. The truth is for a moment I had lost concentration and started reflecting on the previous year. It’s amazing what God can do when you surrender your dreams to him and let him take the lead. 2015 was my year of adventure, and adventure it was.

I started looking back to the beginning of the year when we came back from Zim with nothing but awesome memories (as in literally, if you’re Zimbabwean you’ll know what I mean, you come back with nothing). So I had no job, plenty bills, no real idea of what I was going to do…BUT, I had a vision. FreekÁ. I think FreekÁ was something I can genuinely say I put my heart and soul into. Long days and late nights but adrenaline and passion kept me going, finally understanding what they mean when they say “when you do what you love it doesn’t feel like a job”. It showed me that a girl can dream. So…I kept dreaming. A couple months later, Lentendreonline. It’s been a full week since we launched online and what a whirlwind it has been. Lots of learning, but we’re getting there. Thank you to our very first online orders, your support means so much to me.

I wore this white ruffle mini dress on New Year’s Eve, a perfect little number to welcome 2016 in sweltering 40 degree Melbourne heat. In case you haven’t noticed I haven’t been wearing anything that clings to me. I’m just not about that life at the moment, I’m all about comfort and ease, something I can literally throw on. This cutey kept me cool and cute all day. Get yours right here, it comes in a sand colour too!






Dream Catching

I thought I’d share some notes that I took from a sermon delivered by Ps Sal from our church. She titled it ‘Open Shut Them’. She referenced a story in the book of Chronicles about two kings. Father and son. One king closed the door on his faith and forced his people to do the same. His son,  the king that succeeded him after many years of lost hope reopened the door and led the people to believe again. The son had a vision. A dream. Ps Sal began to expand on the dreams that God puts in our hearts. After weeks of feeling inexplicably weighed down, doubtful and questioning my own dreams. I knew this word was for me. Here are a Read More

You Only Live Once.

It’s amazing what happens when you open up. When you decide to be honest with yourself and to those around you about who you are and you finally start telling God what you want. Leaving my formal employment was the first time I actually let go of that grip I had on my life, for the first time in my life. There was no plan. There was just passion. Don’t get me wrong, I went through moments when I would wake up in the middle of the night worrying about our finances, job security, confused about who I was without my banking career. What would I say when people asked me “so what do you do?” But as time went by , I saw myself go from being the one who was always questioning “and then what?” and “ what if? “, to being the one saying “it will be ok” “just trust and believe”. I’ve gone from being the person who was always kinda resistant to change, to being a person who is always seeking change. Read More

A Fashion Haven

A few weeks ago, I read a post by Emery Ellen that said ” I think i fall in love a little bit with anyone who shows me their soul, this world is so guarded and fearful , I appreciate rawness so much”.

When I first read this , I thought to myself…This is me in a nutshell. I love connecting with people, meeting new people and having life changing conversations. The best is when you don’t expect it. You walk into a room full of people or you arrive at an event. Naturally, you feel self-conscious and your confidence starts to depart and you start to put up your walls. You start to worry whether you’ll “fit in” or if they will be nice to you. You wonder if you should just turn around and walk away and you begin to ask yourself why and how you ended up in this situation. While you’re so busy juggling all these thoughts in your mind, someone comes over to you and says hello, you’re so shocked and so grateful that they came over and saved you having to come over to them that immediately you like them and the next thing you know you’re blown away by how much you have in common. Read More

I woke up like this -I just Jogged to the beach -Sporty Beach Chic

If you’re like me, you’re always thinking twice about going to pool parties or hopping into the Jacuzzi in front of everyone or dreading that walk from your towel to the water when you’re at the beach. It’s that feeling where you’re almost 100% sure that the entire world is staring at your butt cheeks which are barely making it into the swimsuit or bikini, or worse yet, the ripples going through your hip area, or maybe it’s that fear of your lower stomach area hanging out of your bikini bottoms. (you can only suck it in for so long).  Well, fear no more , I may have found a solution. Let me introduce you to the high-waisted bikini bottom. Otherwise known as the “waist controller”. By now you’ know that i love anything high-waisted, and this bikini bottom is a must-have in my eyes. It’s vintage glamour but also very practical for the those of us who want to cover up a bit more but still feel sexy in a two piece. Believe it or not , I actually had to hunt for mine, no Australian retailers were stocking them early last year so i resorted to searching online and found mine at River Island online. Since then I’ve seen many , but for good prices and a range of colours i recommend Asos. Get yours booboo! Read More

The Game Changer

So, what do you do when you know a bunch of roses isn’t going to cut it this year?? Take her to a rose garden says Tapi! He knows I love going for long walks and he knows I love flowers, so where better to go for a long walk than in a rose garden. (You’re too much baby). I loved the rose garden so much that we went back the next day, but this time with a camera, a dress, some heels and a make-up artist. I’m not a make-up kinda girl. My beauty routine generally consists of washing my face with whatever soap presents itself to me in the shower (shocking, but it’s true), Nivea lotion, mascara and some lipstick or gloss (which lasts like an hour on my lips if I’m lucky). So it was time to call in a Pro.  Read More

Do Better.

For me, a new year means an opportunity to do better. It represents a fresh start. Growing up I used to hate it when my Dad constantly asked me what my goals were. I think I actually started to seriously dislike the word “goal” in itself. In job interviews I would have to stop myself from rolling my eyes when they’d ask me about my goals. I guess I’ve always felt like it was just too much pressure, and I always wondered how someone could honestly have a five-year goal! I mean really? Five years is a long time, a lot can happen! But I’ve realised that goals don’t always have to be so big and so serious, they can be daily goals, fortnightly or monthly goals. They can be big or small, just little things to keep you on track to being the best you. So the other day I started writing down some of my goals for 2015 and I decided to share a few of them with you. Read More

Pre : Post


Needless to say the conversation about ‘Relationship rules’ continued throughout the week. It got me thinking about this book that Tapi and I read a few months after our wedding ‘The 5 love languages’ by Gary Chapman. Each chapter leaves you gob-smacked and it’s literally ‘aha’ moment after aha! (the term ‘aha moment’ won’t make sense to you if you’re not as borderline Oprah obsessed as I am). This book has a wealth of learning for any type of relationship be it friendships or family but especially for young couples. Chapman talks about what he Read More

Ninety : Ten


I thought I’d put together a final winter look to bid farewell to 7 months of this Melbourne winter. My favourite part about winter is seeing all the different coats that people bring out out of their closets. This wool coat was the only new edition to my winter coat family this year. I actually intended on NOT buying a new coat this year, but I couldn’t resist this dropped Read More