You Only Live Once.

It’s amazing what happens when you open up. When you decide to be honest with yourself and to those around you about who you are and you finally start telling God what you want. Leaving my formal employment was the first time I actually let go of that grip I had on my life, for the first time in my life. There was no plan. There was just passion. Don’t get me wrong, I went through moments when I would wake up in the middle of the night worrying about our finances, job security, confused about who I was without my banking career. What would I say when people asked me “so what do you do?” But as time went by , I saw myself go from being the one who was always questioning “and then what?” and “ what if? “, to being the one saying “it will be ok” “just trust and believe”. I’ve gone from being the person who was always kinda resistant to change, to being a person who is always seeking change.

Here’s the thing , I’ve left the fancy job and I’ve settled for temp work here and there, there’s always uncertainty about where i will be at a given time, but I can still stand here and say it was the best decision for me. I needed to get it out my system. I have more time to focus on me and what I love. I’m still Mati, but a Mati that i’m more proud of. If you’re in a place where you’re not happy, where you don’t feel free to be you, where you are not celebrated for who you are. If you’re feeling like “there’s got to be more for me out there” but you’re afraid to take that step, maybe you keep asking those “what if” questions. Then I think it’s time. I’m not saying it’s time for radical change ( although I encourage it) , I’m just saying it’s time to start doing things differently. If you don’t believe me, listen to Einstein who says “The definition of insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting a different result”. Meet new people, people who think differently to what you know. Whatever happens it will be an experience, YOUR experience that no-one can take away from you. The worst that can happen is that you will learn from it. When you know better, you do better.

Speaking of learning, as you know, I’m all about less is more this year which works out well for me because I’ve biiiin on a tight budget. So as I walked into H&M it was crucial that I didn’t get distracted by their awesome winter visual merchandising. I went straight to the basic’s area and after combing through rack by rack I left with one white tee. This white tee won’t seem like much when it’s on the hanger, however it’s important to look at the subtle detail when choosing a basic. Round neckline, softer fabric, I prefer 100% viscose, it sits better for that effortless chic look. These days I buy a size up in tops simply because I haven’t been exercising as much as I would like to,  so a loose-fitting top makes me feel better. It’s not like I’m re-inventing the wheel here, classic pairing of blue jeans and a white tee, however to add my own personal style I added this vest I got from Sportsgirl a while ago when I was going crazy for hound’s-tooth and of-course my favorite daytime heels. Last but not least, grab a pair of scissors and chop your expensive weave into a cute bob ( if you have the guts…change ladies) and you have a perfect Saturday outfit.

My parting words to you…YOLO!


  1. Thelma · March 31, 2015

    Great advice Mati! So proud you baby girl. You are an inspiration – honestly. So keep doing you and keep inspiring. I am all about that YOLO life, and I make no exceptions (I probably should but that would take away from the YOLO experience, and I am not about that limited life :)).

    Love the look you chose to go with this piece – another 10/10! There is something about a white tee and jeans that is just so clean cut and fabulous! That boyfriend jean is HOT. The elastic cuff ankle elevates it from just your regular roll up boyfriend to a super sexy designer look boyfriend. I want them – can you send sha :). Love the fact that you kept your make up very natural with the tease of the subtle coloured lip. Its a good one 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • L'entendre · April 4, 2015

      Thank you Thelma! Talk about putting yourself out there huh! Hehe the boyfriend jeans were Tapi’s and then I made them mine ( he never used to wear them) . You know I love my lippy! Enjoy Jozi for me!!! Xxxx


  2. Anonymous · April 3, 2015

    Inspirational. I love the style, photography and setting i.e. road signage and all. The piece is a definitely road to somewhere, SUCCESS!! Now that you are out of the box there is need for focus on your passion with consistency and in the process create wealth. Bapa.


    • L'entendre · April 4, 2015

      Thank you for the great advise! I’m certainly keeping it at the back of my mind. I love that part about creating wealth!! The photographer is getting better and better! 😁


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